About Finnmark estate

The Finnmark Act (Finnmarksloven) of 2005 transferred about 46 000 km²  to the residents of Finnmark County in Northern Norway. Finnmark Estate (Finnmarkseiendommen) equates to around 95 % of the county’s total area.

FeFo is managed by a Board of Directors comprising six members. Three of these directors are appointed by the Sami Parliament of Norway and three by the Finnmark County Council.  FeFo owns and administrates the land and natural resources in 96 % of the area of Finnmark County. 

The property of the Finnmark Estate (Finnmarkseiendommen) is operated, managed and developed by FeFo in collaboration with others.

  • FeFo activities are in the areas of property, energy, forestry and outdoor recreation.
  • FeFo develops areas for building cabins and leasing properties.
  • FeFo ensures the public right of access on public land.
  • FeFo is a private landowner and lessor of hunting rights.
  • FeFo offers free fishing to children and young people under the age of 16.
  • FeFo has some cabins in Finnmark available for free short-term rental.
  • FeFo supports public outdoor recreation with various events in Finnmark.
  • FeFo focuses on increasing production of renewable and CO2-neutral energy.
  • FeFo contributes to value creation in Finnmark.

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